why our artisan pizza is better

‘Artisan’ denotes a skilled craftsman who has gained in-depth knowledge and skills through rigorous apprenticeship. When applied to culinary, the term itself refers to any food made in a traditional or non-mechanized method using high-quality ingredients.

The Dough.


No matter how great and exquisite the toppings are, everything comes to naught if the dough is not complementing.

Our dough is everything you want to frame a life-changing pizza and can only be achieved with an authentic sourdough starter and precise fermentation & temperature.

The result is perfect consistency with a thin, soft crust and a crispy underside.


The Crust.


Our pizza crusts have a distinct light & delicate flavour that perfectly frames the best meal of your life.

Kneaded, fermented and shaped shaped to perfection, the exposed dough of our pizzas come to life when baked by hand. The timing of our cook is made precise and closely watched by culinary craftsman to present a slightly crisp, and not too chewy finish.


The Toppings.


The secret is not in the quantity, but the quality of the toppings and the pairings of flavours.

Our chefs have worked hard to carve out a carefully selected range of pizzas that showcase combinations of subtle aromas and strong flavours from local produce. We assure you that no matter your preference in taste, one (or many) of our works of art will have you begging for more.


The Cook.


Timed to perfection, the transformation undertaken in our carefully monitored ovens brings life.

The dough rising, the cheese melting, the smell of wood-fired oven sizzling at it’s optimum temperature… We should be writing poetry about how it all comes together, but you really need to come and taste for yourselves.